Suma Filmy Arts is one of the top production houses in the television industry. Led by Suma Kanakala, renowned Indian television presenter and producer, our debut production, the gameshow Bhale Chance le, was a huge hit. Energised by the success, more such innovative ideas were nurtured under the wisdom of Suma Filmy Arts culminating in TV shows F3, Wife Chethilo Life, a comedy web series - House of Hungama and entertainment channels Jujube TV & Suma Kanakala, which translated into an atmosphere of unbound joy in millions of households.

We are proud to serve as a home to some of India’s biggest entertaining shows and through our versatile, and stress-busting content we bring out laugh riots. Backed by originality with a keen eye for detail and technical perfection, we believe in creating and developing content that entertains and offers an enriching experience to our audience. While catering to popular opinion and producing star-studded shows, Suma Filmy Arts is also keen on cultivating fresh, young talent to secure the quality of content in the future, and will be producing films starring debutants.

TV Commercial

Whether you’re launching a new product or enhancing your existing brand image, suma flimy arts is an invaluable resource for creating memorable TV commercials..

Tv production

There is a so much opportunity in tv production, suma filmy arts always exceeds expectations and offers hope for viewers everywhere.

Feature Film

Though there is still much progress to be made when it comes to creating feature films for all audiences, the suma flimy arts has begun to diversify their efforts exponentially in recent years.

Web production

Our team strives to address every aspect of web production in order to ensure that your vision is reflected effectively and accurately.You can trust suma filmy arts for a reliable and quality web production solution.


With suma flimy arts curating these special film events and patrons being able to watch them from the comfort of their own homes, the possibilities are endless.

Creative concepts

However, it's important to note that creative concepts require more than just effort - the idea must be open-minded and flexible in order to really resonate..

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